Wednesday, April 20, 2016



1) Put yourselves in new groups, and perform your revised villanelles or pantoums for each other.

2) Memoir poetry, using Saeed Jones as the model

*Jones’s poems are written in chronological order of his life, documenting significant moments; essentially, his anthology of poetry is actually a memoir

-read aloud each poem
-after each one, discuss/take notes on which moment in Jones’s life you think each is documenting
-which poetic devices does he use to document that moment?  Mark them and analyze, together: how do they help to document the moment?

-after reading/studying all of the poems, make connections: what is the bigger story, about his life, that he’s trying to tell?  What poetic devices does he repeat, to help us understand that story?


-brainstorming moments in your life that you believe are connected to each other (write down several groups, each with at least 3 moments)
-write: how are they connected to each other?
-write: what is the bigger story, about your life, that this connection could reveal?

*over the next several classes, we will develop a series of 3 poems, using Jones’s memoir strategy, and use of poetic devices, as inspiration

HOMEWORK: decide on the 3 moments, and the bigger story you want to tell, through these three moments.  They will become your 3 poems.

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